Health Benefits Of Traditional Kitchen Utensils Composed Of Brass, Copper And Iron Using In Kitchen
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The art of cooking is heavily reliant on the ability to combine, mix, and heat components. The heating materials are divided into two categories: the cooking tools and the type of heating agent (earlier charcoal, clay stove, later kerosene stove, gas stove, microwave etc). Food and cooking traditions in India have a long history, dating back over 5000 years. Our forefathers and mothers were used metal like brass, cast iron, copper or clay utensils for cooking. Ancient Indian cooking pots were once regarded as a traditional champion such as meal cooked on chulhas with traditional earthen cooking pots was tastier since the clay pots not only preserved the nutrition of the food like pulses and rice, but also added flavour to it. Despite the availability of new modern cookware with non-stick surfaces, steel, pressure cooker, plastic and anodised aluminium are unable to preserve nutrients of the food. There are various health benefits of using traditional kitchen equipment. For instance, cast iron utensils play a significant role in boosting the iron content of food, particularly in acidic foods. Copper has a one-of-a-kind ability to promote collagen in diet. Brass is excellent in retaining water and hence improves human immunity. Hence, the best and healthiest option for selecting cookware is to go back in time. This paper is emphasis on usage of traditional kitchen utensils like brass, copper and iron along with various health benefits in everyday life.
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