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Rakhymbayev Y. B , Khamitov N. M , Abilzhanuly T , Orazakhyn D, Safargaliyev A. E, Tyulyubayeva Z. J , Cherikbayev R. K


As part of the development of animal husbandry, it is necessary to create a solid forage base. Improving the methods of preparing feed with the use of more sophisticated machines and equipment that make it possible to process the required materials into high-quality feed. Certain requirements are imposed on the fodder base, that is, it must ensure: a complete and uninterrupted supply of livestock breeding with a variety and high-grade cheap fodder throughout the year, the optimal ratio in the ration of feed units, digestible protein, minerals and trace elements, rational use of agricultural land for maximum fodder production , production of the maximum amount of feed per unit of land area at the lowest labor and cost per unit. The most valuable part of the feed ration is compound feed, which allows to increase the highest growth of livestock productivity.

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