Characteristics Of Hypertension In The Elderly

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Fredy Akbar K , Agusnia Hasan Sulur , Idawati Ambohamsah , Darmiati , Farmin Arfan , Hamdan Nur , Umi Indar Humaerah


The aging process is a life cycle characterized by the decline in various organ functions in the bodywhich is marked by the susceptibility of the body to various disease attacks. One of the diseases that is often experienced by the elderly is hypertension. This study aims to determine the characteristics of hypertension among elderly people in Buku Village, Mapilli District, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi Province. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method with research instruments, namely questionnaire sheets and in the questionnaire there are several questions given, one of which is about age, gender, occupation of the elderly and the purpose of this research is to know the characteristics of the elderly which include age. , gender, occupation. The population in Buku Village was 267 elderly people and the sample was 50 elderly respondents who were sampled where of the 50 respondents there were 35 respondents who had hypertension, the study was conducted in April 2020. The results showed that the elderly aged 60-74 years (Elderly) or 46 people aged 60-74 years (92%), and 4 people (elderly) aged 75-90 years (8%), Elderly 32 people aged 60-74 years with hypertension (91.4%) and 39 people in the dominance of female sex (78%) and the results for elderly people who were female who experienced hypertension were 29 people (82.8%). ), there are 39 people (78%) elderly who work as IRT (housewives), 29 people (82.8%) who work as IRT (housewives) who have hypertension.

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