Optimization Of Mass Public Transportation System Based On Demand And Supply

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Standly Juwono Edwi Suwandhi , Made Suyana Utama , Made Kembar Sri Budhi , Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi


This research is motivated by the occurrence of inefficiency of the transportation system in the urban area of Sarbagita (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, Tabanan) caused by the use of private motorized vehicles. As a limited number of public goods, the efficiency of road space is measured not by the number of vehicles but by the number of people who use the road space. Therefore, the operation of a Mass Public Transportation System (SAUM) which has a large transport capacity optimally is the key to the efficiency of the transportation system in urban areas.This study aims to analyze the variables that affect the optimization of the Mass Public Transport System (SAUM) based on demand and service supply. This research was conducted using quantitative methods. The research location is in the urban area of Sarbagita, an agglomeration area in Bali. The research was conducted in October 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic. The total population in this study was 14,140 with a sample of 397 passengers on 4 (four) Trans Metro Dewata service routes. Sampling using proportional stratified random sampling. The data used is in the form of a scale of differences in the meaning of attitudes towards an object which is sorted from the number (1) not important; (2) less important; (3) quite important; (4) important; (5) is very important. This research uses multivariate analysis technique with partial least square (PLS) method. The variables used in this research are Service Demand and Service Supply as exogenous variables, Service Certainty and Service Integration variables as intermediate variables and Service Optimization variables as endogenous variables.The results show that the service demand variable has no significant effect on the optimization of SAUM, while the supply, certainty and service integration variables have a positive and significant effect on the optimization of SAUM. The request has no significant effect on the integration of SAUM services. On the other hand, service supply and certainty have a positive and significant impact on the integration of SAUM services. This study also finds that the optimization of SAUM services is most influenced by service integration with a coefficient of 0.403, followed by service offerings with a coefficient of 0.374. Indirectly, the supply and demand variables have a positive and significant effect both on the variable between service integration through service certainty and on the endogenous variable of SAUM optimization through service assurance and service integration variables. The novelty of this research is that the service demand variable which has been used as a direct variable in the provision of transportation services does not have a significant effect on the optimization of SAUM. This research answers the phenomenon of the low loading rate of Trans Metro Dewata services, even though the service is free.This study suggests to the government as an institution providing public services that in an effort to realize the efficiency of the transportation system in urban areas, it is necessary to optimize SAUM services. The SAUM optimization efforts are not only based on demand and service supply but also involve variables between service certainty which include indicators of accessibility, service level and service availability and service integration variables which include indicators of physical integration, network integration and tariff integration. The results of this study are expected to enrich the theoretical repertoire in the field of transportation economics and transportation management science which is currently developing.

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