A Literature Review On The Enhancement Of Productive Skills For The Tribal Students

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1Radhika S, Gomathi R D, Nivedha S


    To discuss with the importance of enhancing the productive skill for the various level of  learners it is must that one must need to know the importance of speaking and writing. In  general, speaking and writing are the two main sources which help one to deliberately use it in  their day to-day activity. These are the two skills which are done practically in everyday practice.
When talking about the improvement of speaking and writing, this can be done with the help of  classroom activity were one can do it practically. This is practically possible when practicing it  inside the classroom. This review particularly focuses on the development of productive skills  among various levels of learners. When discussing about the reviews it is clear that most of the  researchers focused these two skills individually but not together as productive skill. Each of  these skills was focused in an individual manner. The basic concept is enhancing the productive  skill among tribal students. But this area was not focused much because of their learning  capability especially their poor background and knowledge. Only few reviews focused on the
development of this productive skill but it was done individually but not together. The collected  reviews were categorized according to the study. Few of the reviews shows that the skills were  enhanced using certain classroom methodologies. But it was only less appreciated. Fewer  researchers predominantly focused much on developing their skills and they moved further with  the student’s capacity. So it is more or like few researchers had stated that the skills they had  chosen was predominantly developed with certain criteria.

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