Inheritance Of Panngaderreng Cultural Values In The Buginesein Makassar City In Islamic Education Perpective

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Khaedir Makkasau , H. Syahruddin Usman , H. A. Marjuni , Hj. Amrah Kasim and M. Bahaking Rama


This dissertation discusses the inheritance of Panngaderreng cultural values in the Bugis community in Makassar City in the perspective of Islamic education, especially for teenagers. The details of the sub-problem are how the efforts and implementation of the inheritance of panngaderreng cultural values (ade', talk, rapang, wari, sara'), the factors that support and hinder, as well as the results of the efforts and implementation of the inheritance of panngaderreng cultural values in the Bugis community in Makassar City. in the perspective of Islamic education. The research methodology used in this dissertation is a qualitative type, the approach method is based on cultural theories, the Islamic education science approach and other supporting fields of science such as a normative theological approach, a psychological approach, and a sociological one so that an interdisciplinary approach is included. The data refers to field research which is supported by library research. Data obtained by meeting informants with data collection procedures through observation, interviews and documentation, the location of which is in Makassar City. The research that has been done, it is concluded that the inheritance of Panngaderrengcultural values in the Bugis community in Makassar City in the perspective of Islamic education, especially for teenagers, that efforts to inherit cultural values are still carried out by parents, teachers and all elements of society, although there are still obstacles. and complex obstacles in the inheritance of these cultural values. The Panggaderreng culture is still very much needed by the youth of the Bugis community in Makassar City, so to preserve these cultural values, it is necessary to synergize parents, teachers and all elements of society to instill these cultural values humanely by setting an example and participating in strict supervision and supervision. sustainable.

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