Midface deformities and their surgical management

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Dr.S.Ishwarya , Dr .Balakrishnan ,Dr.rakesh mohan, Shanmugapriyan


Midface deformities may be treated either by osteotomies that advance the maxilla or by osteotomies that retract the mandible. A transfacial technique is presented by which the cheekbones, the infraorbital rim, and the superior dental arch are advanced. The indications for this intervention are more widespread than those for Le Fort I osteotomies or mandibular osteotomies. Postoperative complications and risks of recidivism are reduced for this method because of the use of small screw-on plates for frontomalar osteosynthesis. Fifty-two cases of osteotomy by maxime champy et al is reviewed1. This review deals with his special consideration of problems caused by bone grafting and postoperative occlusion and with a discussion of the factors responsible for relapse.

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