Role Of Deep Learing in Health Care Systems Using Mesh Neworks

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N. Legapriyadharshini, Dr. D. Sivakumar


Day to Day life users are facing more difficulties in their work so physical body condition becomes weak due to their emotional feelings .In order to solve this situation .Computers are playing important role to solve this problem with help many computer devices like sensors as well as using many applications with help of various algorithm using mesh networks. Artificial Intelligence exists when a machine can have human based skills such as learning, reasoning, and solving problems.Evoluation of AI leads to Machine learning as well as Deep Learning algorithms are developed to predict the users activities in daily life more accurately .Users emotions like heartbeat,energy ,movement  can be detected using body sensors is considered as Physical data .Various datas like typing speed and typing errors are considered as neurophysical data.Using various  Deep Learning algorithms  such as  FFNN,CNN as well as Machine Learning algorithms like DT,RF algorithms  are used to analyze  the emotional feelings of the users with  various literature survey to enhance the classification success of the system by interpreting the users emotions. In this paper various  survey has been taken in the  current status of AI applications in healthcare and discuss its future.

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