Covid-19 Impact on Various Sectors in India -A Detailed Analysis

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Gomathi R D, Maheswaran S, Sathesh S, Indhumathi N


As the whole country is aware of a virus which changed and put both developed and developing country into a trouble. The most popular and deadly virus is the novel corona virus which made the whole world stay in our home. Knowing the seriousness of this virus our government took various initiatives and imposed various rules and regulations to protect the life of all the human beings. As a result there occurred a lockdown which shut all the industries, factories, transportation between states, countries and this resulted in the huge loss to government as well the private sectors. Almost all the sectors like aviation, banking, defence and security all were put into a bubble with no other alternate and with an only motto to save human life. The impact of novel corona virus and its impact on Indian economy and who it affected the growth of the nation in gross domestic product (GDP).

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