Remote Monitoring and Automated Control of Silkworm Rearing to Improve Yield

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Thanushree. A , Dr.Shobha K.R, Dr. Parimala Prabhakar, Dr. S Chandrashekhar


Sericulture denotes to the rearing of silkworm to provide silk. Environmental parameters are the important factors in the growth of silkworms. Maintenance of these parameters at an optimal level is difficult for Seri culturists as most of them are untrained and the procedure is quite laborious and time consuming. Parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Light intensity, Air Quality and air pressure are the important factors for proper growth of silkworms. The aim of this proposed work is to build an automated monitoring system which maintains the parameters at optimal values to aid effective growth of the silkworms. The proposed model is built using multiple Node MCU as client nodes and Raspberry Pi as server. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol is used for transmitting data between clients and server. MQTT is a light-weight messaging protocol which works on Publish – Subscribe communication model which consists of Publisher, Subscriber and Broker. Node MCU which is used as an end device acts as a publisher by capturing data from Temperature, Humidity, Light, Carbon monoxide and air pressure sensors and transmitting it to the server. The server processes the sensor data received from multiple Node MCU and compares it with the threshold values assigned to each parameter being monitored. If any deviations are found in the parameters beyond the threshold value respective actuators for each sensor are activated through relays. Using this system, the rearing room parameters can be maintained at optimal values which is suitable for effective growth of silkworm to provide better yield.

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