Primary Rhinoplasty In Unilateral Cleft Lip Nose Repair
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Background: Primary nasal surgery techniques include open or closed rhinoplasty In most studies the results have been based on qualitative analysis, Qualitative analysis will vary according to the perception of the observer. However, this has to be taken seriously because ultimately the results have to satisfy everyone and not only the surgeons. Few authors are in favour of closed rhinoplasty and most others are of the opinion that open rhinoplasty gives superior results. Methods, This is prospective clinical trial for comparison of two different techniques of primary rhinoplasty in unilateral cleft lip with nasal deformity presented to pediatric surgery clinic at Cairo university specialized pediatric hospital CUSPH at period from October 2017 to June 2019.Results , primary rhinoplasty was done at the time of lip repair in 30 patients. Their ages ranged from 3-18 months.. (16,7%) of those patients were of simple cleft lip type. (70%) of them were of complete cleft lip type and (13,3%) were of complete cleft lip palate type. (46,7%) of them suffer from a wide cleft, while (53,3%) had narrow defect. The technique used in (67%) of the patients was closed rhinoplasty while in (33%) open rhinoplasty was used. The follow up period ranged from 3-6 months with a mean value of 4 months. Complications observed were; early: infection in 2 cases, dehiscence in 1 case ( due to infection ), post-operative edema in 18 cases, Late: hypetrophic scar in 5 cases notching in 2 cases one of them in the white roll and the other on vermillion border . Conclusion: closed rhinoplastry is the best technique for primary rhinoplasty during unilateral cleft lip repair with nasal deformity.
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