Final Year Medical Students' Knowledge About The Rights And Duties Of Medical Practitioners And Patients At A Vietnamese University

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Ngo Tri Tuan , Nguyen Thi Mai , Bui Dieu Thuy Linh Anna , Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong and Dao Trung Nguyen


We have conducted this cross sectional study to descri be the knowledge of authority and obligations of medical
practitioners and patients in the group of 6th year students of Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam in 2018. This study has
been provided to understand if final year students are willing to work after graduation in providing healthcare or related
services to patients. Well aware of the rights and duties of practitioners and patients was mentioned in the Law on Medical
Examination and Treatment will have a good impact on the relationship between future m edicals and patients. And will help
to protect both ones legally.
This study was conducted at Hanoi Medical University (HMU) on the final year students who have 6 year training
period. In the 3rd year of the training program, they started involved in patient care, observing health or social care
processes. Data was collected among 396 students using a self administered questionnaire. The results were analyzed
Study results showed 11.62% of students know the Law on Examinatio n and Treatment No. 40/2009/QH12.
Percentage of students who know 100% of the general rights and obligations of practitioners (5.81%; 4.29%) and patients
(5.56%; 8.08%) is low. The rate of students gaining knowledge about the rights and obligations of prac titioners and patients
is 37.12%.
The results showed a low proportion of students who knew about medical examination and treatment. And the
percentage of students who had known enough about the rights and obligations of practitioners and patien ts was also low.

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