Electricity Generation In Microbial Fuel Cell By Using Beetroot Dye As Mediator

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Levin Anbu Gomez , David Paulraj R.S , Jesse Joel T , Selvarathi M , and Ritu Shepherd


Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are shown to be capable of unpolluted energy production through the
oxidization of
biodegradable organic waste using vari ed microorganism species as biocatalysts. this study geared toward
manufacturing electricity by using beetroot dye as a mediator and treatment of waste water by using MFC.In a
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) organic matter is utilized by microorganisms and it re sults in the production electricity. MFC
holds a key in green technology for the production of bioenergy. In this present word a MFC is constructed with two
chambers and a salt bridge is used as a separator between the chambers. During this study the beetr oot was dried and
fine grained and oxidation reduction potential was measured using cyclic voltammetry. It absolutely was found that
beetroot possesses low redox potential. For MFC setup waste water was used in anode with graphite as electrolyte
and salt b ridge as membrane and 0.1M potassium permanganate solution as catholyte and copper mesh as
electrolyte. The beetroot dye was stuck to the electrode. In another setup Nafion 117 membrane was used rather than
salt bridge. maximum voltage obtained was 1278 mV . It can be concluded that beetroot dye acts as a good mediator. In
this study we proposed to make an attempt to use readily available and economically viable beetroot dye as a
mediator in the microbial fuel cell. And we found that the beetroot dye produce s a good result because of its low
redox potential.

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