Follow-Up Of The Development Of Water-Soluble And Fat-Soluble Minerals And Vitamins For Germination And Non-Germination Sorghum Grains During Different Germination Periods

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Sheren Fadhel Abbas and Dhia faleh Al-fekeiki


The study was conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Food Sciences, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Iraq, using sorghum kernels, cultivar Kafir, as a feed crop with economic feasibility that can be used. In the research study, sorghum grains were used with different germination periods (24, 72 and 96 hours) and their chemical composition was studied, where it was characterized by a high protein content at germination periods of 96 and 72 hours, due to the effect of the germination process on the protein content and the lack of moisture to reduce infection with fungi and microorganisms, and the low-fat content during germination periods is due to the different genetic composition of the cultivars, as well as to water absorption and enzyme activity in the endosperm and digestion of reserve materials, and as a result of the activity of the enzyme lipase, which breaks down fats into glycerides and fatty acids and the increase in fiber and carbohydrates during the germination period, and when studying the content of mineral elements, the results showed an increase in the proportions of mineral elements during the germination periods of 96 and 72 hours, with the superiority of iron, zinc and manganese during the germination period of 96 hours. While the device is not sensitive to the elements cobalt, chromium and nickel, which are caused by pollution by hydrocarbons emitted from oil sources, so sorghum is a rich source of nutritional and healthy minerals for the body and sorghum contains water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins and its high content during the germination periods that were conducted on sorghum with the excelled of the vitamin B group, vitamin C and vitamin E, and through the results of high-performance liquid gas chromatography, the content of water- and fat-soluble vitamins was estimated, and the profiles showed the excelled of vitamins during the germination periods.

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