Parameters Homeostaticity And Two-Factor Dispersion Analysis Of Indicators Of Agronomic Valuable Characteristics Of Cotton Lines Depending On Growing Conditions
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De termination of the adaptive properties of the breeding material obtained under different grow ing
conditions allows measuring the breeding value of the material mostly in full In the context of a noticeable change
in the hydrothermal parameters of the climate in many areas of the world, including our region, a sufficient level of
adaptability of t he cotton varieties used is becoming increasingly important. In a sharply continental climate, an
important indicator of cotton varieties is their resistance to stress . Currently, the issues of identifying and creating
adaptive cotton varieties have become particularly important, which arecharacterized by the stability of the main
agronomic valuable traits. Objects of researches were lines of cotton L 33, L 34, L 35, L 35, L 37 kind G.hirsutumL..
The Sulton cultivar sown in these regions in large areas was used as a standard variety for comparison . In 2018
studying of lines was conducted in two regions: in the Tashkent region in the experimental fa rm Kibray selection"
(deep level subsoil water 8 10m, Infected ground mushroom Verticillium dahliae Klebahn) and in Syr Darya area in
branch Cotton breeding, seed production and agrotechnologies research institute (differs salinity ground and to
relatives level subsoil water 1,5 2,0m). Field experiments in each ecological point have been organized under the
uniform scheme. Techniques of an estimation of adaptability were applied to the decision of tasks in view the two
factorial dispersive analysis.
the process of studying the created cotton breading material under various grow ing
conditions, significant effects of the environment genotype and genotype environmental interactions on
the manifestation of agronomic valuable traits were revealed . It was found that manifestati on of
agronomic valuable traits and th at the lines created from various hybrid combinations are prevailing
genotype effects and respond in the same way to environmental changes . It follows, that properties of
adaptability , stability, and responsiveness to the environment largely depend on the bioclim atic
potential, the frequency of favorable and stressful periods in the regions where the research w as carried
out , the source material and the tasks set to breeders. Ecologically stable lines were revealed, which are
significantly exceeding the standard v ariety in terms of average indicators of agronomic valuable traits .
Among the studied lines line L 36 was distinguished by highindicators of adaptive ability which will be
transferred to the State Commission for Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops
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