The Mapping Of Local Leading Potentials For Improving Competitiveness Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Tarakan City, Indonesia

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Mohamad Nur Utomo , Kaujan and Widyastuti Cahyaningrum


The competitiveness of Small & Medium Enterprises can be improved by developing products delivered by local leading sectors. This research is aimed to identify work sectors that can be categorized as local leading sectors in Tarakan City. Secondary data used by this research were data concerning Gross Regional Domestic Products of Tarakan City from 2016 to 2020. Data analysis methods were Location Quotient, Klassen Typology, and Comparative Contribution to Gross Regional Domestic Products. Result of research showed that four work sectors considered potential to become leading sectors are Wholesale and Retail Tradings, Construction, Transportation and Warehousing, and Processing Industry. Research suggests that fishery-based processing industry should be set as priority to become leading sector in Tarakan City.

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