Fat Intake With Oleic Acid Levels In Breastfeeding Mother's Milk (6 Months - 24 Months) In The Work Area Of Sudiang And Sudiang Raya Public Health Centers Makassar City

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Andi Dewi Asmi , Citrakesumasari , Rahayu Indriasar , Saifuddin Sirajuddin , Nurudji Astuti Daud , Wahiduddin


Oleic acid (omega 9) is a monounsaturated fatty acid that plays a critical role in the early development of the central
nervous system. Recent research has shown that oleic acid is an antioxidant that may protect against the development
of numerous forms of cancer, including breast and colorectal cancer. The purpose of this research is to determine the
association between fat consumption and oleic acid levels in nursing mothers' breast milk. This is a cross-sectional
approach to analytic observation. Breast milk from nursing moms is the population. Breast milk from nursing moms
aged 6-24 months as a sample. The sampling approach employed was purposive sampling, and the results were
analyzed using the Sperman Correlation test on a large population of 178 nursing moms and a large sample of 59
nursing mothers. According to the study's findings, the average fat consumption of nursing women aged 6-12 months
was 57.95gr, whereas breastfeeding moms aged >12-24 months consumed 56.25gr. Oleic acid levels in breast milk
were on average 1.00 for nursing women aged 6-12 months and 0.99 for breastfeeding mothers aged >12-24 months.
Statistical analysis revealed no significant Breast Milk, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Oleic Acid, Fat Intake, Breastfeeding
Mothers association between maternal fat consumption and breast milk oleic acid levels in nursing women (p>0.05).
The amount of oleic acid in nursing moms' breast milk is smaller than the recommended threshold (1.5 g/L). However,
there are two instances of high oleic acid levels in nursing moms' breast milk. Additional qualitative study is needed on
nursing moms whose oleic acid levels are within or surpass the recommended range. Additionally, we examined
additional factors relating to baby intake and nutritional status.

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