CSBA: Secure Certificateless Aggregate Signature-Based Authentication Scheme For Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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N. Parthiban, Dr. G. Dheepa


A rising number of vehicle applications need heightened security measures. A typical form of authentication for VANETs (Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks) is the use of a group signature. Due to the dynamic nature of wireless networks, there are several hurdles to peer-to-peer communications. For VANETs (vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks), CSBA stands for secure certificateless aggregate signature-based authentication. They choose their RSU based on factors that determine the generation of a Partial private key pair. All vehicles have an OBU that is tamper-resistant and can generate PPK pairs and self-certify PPK generated using the Signature generation procedure. It is necessary for every vehicle that joins the group to authenticate itself to the leader to accomplish certificateless aggregation. It then sends traffic-related messages through the group key to the group leader, who verifies the messages and broadcasts them in a single hop to reduce the computational burden on each vehicle's message verification system. The CSBA approach is also used to protect user privacy by preventing an attacker from linking a message to the transmitted vehicle. The extensive research, simulations, and vehicle-to-vehicle communication are performed in the best way.

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