Blended Learning Una Alternativa De Enseñanza En Contexto De Aislamiento

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Krizian Esther Jiu Gutierrez , Ángel Salvatierra Melgar , Nilda Parraga Ybaceta


The bibliographic review allows presenting the information collected in a systematic and orderly manner, facilitating a better reception and understanding of them. The review will be developed objectively and considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. The purpose is to establish how the virtual blended learning modality improves academic performance in students who develop a blended teaching methodology, which is superior to those who develop the traditional short-term learning methodology, in these times of endemic confinement. COVID-19. The selected articles were analyzed considering their methodology, being mostly qualitative, in the period 2011-2021, 16 publications were found, the year with the largest articles being 2020. The technique used was bibliographic review. the instrument used were structured files. It was concluded, after the bibliographic review of the articles, according to UNESCO (2015), in the collective of intellectuals, the power or not having access to learning can define the differences in the student's future and the progress of society, according to The Incheon Declaration "Education 2030".

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