Analysis Of Cell Free DNA And Cf-Mt DNA As Molecular Markers In Patients With Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

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Alaa Ramthan Hussein and Prof. Dr. Zafir Hassan Ghali


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and the incidence is increasing. Cell free circulating DNA (cf DNA) derived from dead cells and detectable in plasma and serum, is a potential biomarker for a variety of diseases including T2DM. The calculation of gene expression fold change was made using relative quantification using RCR. The results revealed that the mean ±SE of Ct values of cf-n DNA and cf-mt DNA for each studied group. The Ct value of cf-n DNA ranged from 10.10- 29.4 with a mean±SE20.4 ± 0.38. In control group, the Ct value ranged from 18.7 -21.2 with a mean±SE19.9 ± 0.174. The difference in Ct values between the two groups was found to be non-significant. However, The mean ±SE Ct value of plasma cell free mitochondrial DNA was 31.4 ± 0.7 in T2DM patients group. It ranged from 20- 36. In control group, the Ct value ranged from30.6– 36 with a mean±SE 32.9 ± 0.3. There was a significant difference in the Ct mean values between the two studied groups (p=0.04). Results of ΔCt for control group displayed a mean of 12.9 ±0.384 ,whereas for patients group 10.9±0.835 with a significant difference p=0.02 when compared patients to controls. Results of ΔΔCt showed significant difference for patients group with a mean -1.94± 0.835 .The fold of gene expression in patients group of cf-mt DNA was 18.9 time higher than that of control group .These results indicate that cf-mt DNA increases significantly in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus.

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