Observational study on the effect of Ayurvedic management in different clinical studies with special reference to TamakShwas.

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*Ekta Upwanshi , Natasha Udgikar, Nandkishor Bankar, Ankita Kapse


In the today’s scenario the cases of bronchial asthma were seen to be increasing tremendously. There are about 334 million patients suffering with bronchial asthma. It is affecting almost all age groups. In India there are around 15-20 million people are affected with bronchial asthma.The prevalence of asthma is increasing day by day with time with estimation of additional 100 million people to develop asthma by the year 2025.Bronchial asthma can with correlated with Tamakshwas in Ayurveda. Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath can be simply termed as Shwas.Vata and Kapha are the two doshas which are mainly involve in ShwasaRoga. Shwasa is mainly of five types in Maha Shwasa,Urdhawa Shwas,ChinnaShwasa,Kshudra Shwasa and Tamaka Shwasa.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of respiratory tract with airway hyper responsiveness producing symptoms such as wheezing, cough&dyspnea. Exposure to the dust,smoke,respiratory infections, new dietic preparation, stress and change in climate are some of the causative factors of Bronchial asthma.In Modern medicine there is no permanent cure for asthma,only symptoms can be improved.

In Ayurveda Asthma can be treated effectively by using Panchakarma and internal medication and helps in decreasing the episodic recurrence. Keeping in mind this view present review article was done.


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