United States Foreign Policy New Era in Dealing with China In The South China Sea

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Gerald Theodorus L. Toruan , Marsetio , Syaiful Anwar , Suhirwan


The United States has changed leadership at the end of 2020, from the time of President Donald Trump to President Joe Biden. These
two heads of state have different characters due to the policy model of each party that won the United States Presidential election.
President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are basically not friendly to China, they the US does not want to be defeated by
China, especially regarding the situation and conditions in the South China Sea. Foreign policy in the Donald Trump era for the South
China Sea was more likely to be frontal and more open, while in President Joe Biden it was firm but with a soft delivery and with
sharp meaning straight to the point. Basically the policies of these two leaders are the same for the South China Sea, the US does not
want the South China Sea to be owned by a country. This attitude will continue to provoke China to retaliate for the actions taken by
the US, if the two countries are allowed to retaliate against each other, it is feared that an open war in the South China Sea will be
created. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach, collecting data by means of in-depth interviews and
literature study. The formulation of the problem in this study is how Indonesia responds to US foreign policy for the South China Sea?
The conclusion of this study is the recommendation of Indonesia's attitude in facing the competition between these two countries in
the South China Sea.

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