Assessment Of Ill Effects Of Junk Foods Among Students At Selected College

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Modern eating environment had an effect on the student’s eating habits. Diet and lifestyle have a great influence on
their life, so it is important to embrace a healthy diet and practice for way of life, otherwise due to the cumulative
effect of adverse factors throughout life of an individual.
Aim: To assess the awareness among the college students regarding junk food and its dangers
andeducating them to change their behavior towards healthy eating pattern.
Method: The study is a analytical cross-sectional survey and organized in freedom conception in
total of hundred subjects were selected from Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College in Coimbatore
district, Tamil Nadu, India. Selected subjects were in the age of 18-20 years.
Result: The results showed 55% of college students were coming from town area and with upper
middle class. There was no significant association between the selected demographic variables and
the knowledge on health hazards of junk foods among school children at p>0.05
Conclusion: This study concludes that the college in coordination with government and nongovernment organizations should tackle exploring with large typical sample, including parents and
teachers. Moreover, the study observed that the college authority should monitor the healthy foods
available not only in college campuses, but also in and around the campuses also

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