Case report on Antenatal mother Infected with Corona virus disease -2019.

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Ms. Ekta s. Betal, Mrs. Priyanka s. Meshram, Roshan Umate, Chetan Mahatme


The World Health Organization declared a public health emergency on January 30, 2020, as a result of the coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19), which was caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. (SARS-CoV-2). Newborns may show COVID-19 indications, according to the findings of current investigations. Despite the fact that the disease expresses itself differently in different cultures, only a few studies have been conducted on COVID-19-infected mothers. The World Health Organization termed the new coronavirus illness 2019, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome.  coronavirus disease on January 7, 2020. (COVID-19)  reported in ANC-MOTHER :  as a percentage of the total number of cases in the general population Because the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimates that 0.35 million kids are born each year, screening pregnant women and providing perinatal care to babies of COVID-19 positive moms is critical. Initially, there was little evidence of mother-to-infant transmission, and only a few deaths in ANC- MOTHER and her newborn were reported, but now that transplacental transmission has been demonstrated, transmission can be controlled with good care or all preventive measures.

Patient history: Due to uterine contractions, a 35-year-old woman was referred to the AVBRH Hospital, Sawangi Meghe, Wardha. She was gravida4, para3, with a 39-week pregnancy and three previous caesarean sections. She had no underlying illnesses and had no previous exposure to COVID-19-infected people. On admission, she didn't have a fever or any other symptoms like cough, sore throat, or muscle weakness.

Clinical Findings: The patient had undergone with various investigations like blood test ,USG, physical examination and CT scan ,Computers tomography, and newborn assessment

Medical Management:  Patient was treated with calcium supplement and iron supplement.  Inj. Piptaz 4.45gm, it is antibacterial Drug,  It's Prevent the growth or spread of bacteria .

Inj. clindamycin 600mg, it is a antibiotic drug, and it's action is slowing and stopping the growth of bacteria.  Inj Levoflox 750mg, it is a antibiotic drug, Inj neomol 100ml,  it is a painkiller ;Tab Limcee 500mg , it is vitamin supplement . Tab zincovit , it is nutrition suppliment  and preventing vitamin and mineral deficiency ; Inj dexa 6mg, it is a steroid ,it is treat a condition such as a inflammatory and autoimmune condition , Tab ecosprin 75mg, it is (NSAID) non-steroid Anti inflammatory drug  ,it decrease the formation harmful blood clots . Inj ramdesivir, it is antiviral drug  used to treat Covid infection.

Nursing management:  Administered fluid replacement i.e. DNS and RL, Fetal monitoring, monitored all vital signs hourly.  Do physical examination, Give proper information regarding the disease condition, provide proper environment to the patient, provide proper care to the patient,  give psychological support to the patient,  educate patient regarding the disease condition,  discuss about the health issues of the patient with doctor .

Conclusion : In conclusion, the intensity of Covid -19 Antenatal mother's stage and degree of sickness.

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