Case report on ulcerative colitis with chronic procto-sigmoiditis and mucosal polyps

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Ms. Krimiya R. Jiwtode* , Ms. Switi Jawade , Roshan Umate Dr, . S. P. Adhau


The cytomegalovirus (CMV)-associated colitis was discovered after histology of tissue collected from flexible sigmoidoscopy. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic, idiopathic inflammatory disease of the colon that most typically affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 40 and causes impairment. It's marked by recurrent and remitting mucosal inflammation that starts in the rectum and spreads to the colon's proximal regions. Clinical findings:- bloody diarrhoea since two weeks, increase bowel frequency 20 times per day, stomach pain and weight loss. Diagnostic Evaluation:- blood test done, flexible sigmoidoscopy. Histopathology test: colonoscopic biopsy done feature suggestive of chronic procto-sigmoiditis with mucosal polyps, suspicious of ulcerative colitis. USG upper abdomen: mild heptomegaly with liver parenchymal disease.diffuse mild long segment circumferential mural thickening of ascending and transverse colon with surrounding mesocolic hyperechogenecity, minimal ascites. Endoscopy: early PHG, Endematous mucosa. Therapeutic Interventions:- She was started on IV hydrocortisone 100 mg four times a day after admission, and her nutrition was improved. the surgical team strongly recommended operation.  Intravenous Valganciclovir was started and her bowel frequency recovered to twice daily within 48 hours, and she felt much better. Outcome: - after providing treatment patient felt better.

Conclusion: - A member of the health team started treatment very away, and all available treatments were provided, and the patient's condition has improved.

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