Smart Agriculture Based On Iot By Using Cloud Computing

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Ms. P. Valarmathy , Mrs. S. Meenakshi , Santhosh H


This IOT based Agriculture monitoring system makes use of wireless sensor networks that collects data
from different sensors deployed at various nodes and sends it through the IOT Technology. This smart agriculture
using IOT system is powered by Arguing with Temperature sensor, Moisture sensor, water level sensor, DHT11
Sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Flame sensor, water motor, buzzer and node MCU. When the IOT based agriculture
monitoring system starts it checks the water level, humidity and moisture level. It sends SMS alert on the phone
about the levels. Sensors sense the level of water if it goes down, it automatically starts the water pump. If the
temperature goes above the level, water motor starts. When any animal reach the agricultural land, the buzzer
we attached to the arguing will make the sound alert system. So that the animal will leave the land. Finally all data
will be transferred to the IOT cloud system using node MCU module.

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