Geospatial Intelligence For The Selection Of Locations For The New Indonesian Presidential Palace

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Sa’dianoor , Syamsul Maarif , Sobar Sutisna and Edy Saptono


Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) has expanded to various fields of life. By combining with the science
of geography to produce defense geography. This study aims to see the ability of GEOINT in assisting the
selection of the location of the presidential palace, which is planned to be moved from Jakarta to East
Kalimantan. Using photogrammetric data can produce an overview of the planned location of the capital as a
basis for competent respondents to make choices. Of the eight respondents, all of whom live or work around
the planned location of the capital city, they got the best alternative based on GEOINT data. Respondents
chose alternative 1 because it had the highest score from the aspect of physical geography and socio-cultural
geography. From the interviews, most of the respondents wanted a location that was safe from flooding and
far from residential areas and there was no relocation of residents. The conclusion is that GEOINT can
summarize the condition of the planned location of the new state capital from a physical and socio-cultural
perspective. GEOINT is not only useful for military purposes but also for non-military interests.

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