Plyometric Training And Its Effects On Power And Speed, Applying A Program Of Plyometric Intervention In Pre-Pubertal Children Practicing Indoor Soccer

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Cristhian Alberto Bautista Rico , Mario Alexi Isidro Delgado , Edgar Maurcio Amaya Corredor


The study aims to determine the effect of strength training from the plyometric method on power and speed, applying an intervention program in prepubertal children practicing indoor soccer. The selected sample was divided into two groups: control (group that continued with the development of the basic training established by the sports training school) and experimental (group to which was applied, in addition to the training activities of the sports training school, the intervention program). In the development of this research, the quantitative approach was taken into account, allowing making conjectures in the research process to generate descriptive and correlational scopes between the control and experimental groups. The intervention was developed establishing ten weeks for the execution of the program, with a training frequency of three weekly sessions. Three blocks were established: block one, self-loading; block two, elastics; and block three, traction and facilitated exercises. The following tests were used for the evaluation: University and Illinois agility tests, thirty-meter speed, Abalakov, CMJ counter-movement jump, squat jump, as well as the percentage of muscular contraction and the percentage of elastic contribution.

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