The Effectiveness Of Implementation Of Policy Eradication Of Illegal Charges (Pungli) By The Task Unit Of Sweep Clean (Satgas Saber) In The National Education System In Indonesia
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The National Education System in Indonesia is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), that often facing reports from public sector concerning illegal charges or in Bahasa Indonesia is called Pungutan Liar (Pungli). Pungli in the context of providing education is contrary to the mandate of the Indonesian 1945 Constitution. This study discusses the substance of the rules, the parties involved and the effectiveness of policies to eradicate Pungli in the national education system. The purpose of this study is to uncover and evaluate government policies in preventing government officials from committing illegal levies. This study uses a qualitative method with an analytical descriptive approach. Data collection using interview, observation, and documentation techniques were analyzed using interactive model data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the Government of Indonesia has attempted to eradicate Pungli by issuing Presidential Regulation No. 87 of 2016. The eradication of Pungli within the Ministry of Education and Culture as the regulator of the national education system is carried out through internal actors from the Ministry of Education and Culture itself and external actors, namely through the establishment of a Task Force called “Clean Sweep of Illegal Charges” “Sapu Bersih Pungutan Liar”, in short Saber Pungli. The inhibiting factors in eradicating Pungli carried out by the Saber Pungli Task Force are the position of the Saber Pungli Task Force which is not a law enforcer, the absence of further regulations from the Presidential Regulation, the ineffectiveness of forming a Pungli eradication unit for Ministries/Institutions (K/L) and local governments (Pemda), concurrent positions of the Saber Pungli Task Force officials, and the lack of community participation. The solution offered to create effective policies in relation to eradicating Pungli in Indonesia is to establish more effective legislation, obliging every K/L and local government to establish Pungli Units within their institutions, strengthening the institution of the Saber Pungli Task Force, providing legal protection for whistle blowers. and/or witnesses, creating a whistleblowing system.
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