A case report on Single Ventricular Inlet

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Ms. Rutuja Godbole, Ms. Switi Jawade , Ashish Bhagat, Rajkumar Chadge


Single ventricular inlet is a defect types of heart defect are present in child at birth .It occurs when one of the heart's two pumping chambers, the ventricles, isn't large enough or powerful enough to function properly. A valve may be absent from the chamber in some situations. Single ventricle abnormalities necessitate a series of open heart surgeries spread out over a period of time. The Norwood surgery, hemi-Fontanel or Glenn operation, and the Fontanel treatment are all part of the so-called stage. Some children will be moderately cyanotic, while others will require immediate care due to a lack of oxygen in the blood to satisfy the body's demands. Clinical findings:- Fingernails and  toes become bluish, swollen legs , poor feeling, failure to gain weight. Bluish color appear on the body because the oxygen level are low in the blood.  Diagnostic evaluation:- All  routine blood test, chest x-ray was done.  Pediatric Echocardiography are done in which atria are dilated atrial septum are small size PEO with left to right shunt. AV valve is two atrio ventricular valve (double inlet single ventricle). Out flow tract are aorta right and anterior CD posed aorta, pulmonary artery left and posterior. S/O malposed great (double outlet) Aorta.  aortic arch are left aortic arch & no contractions of aorta dilated coronary sinus. Outcome:- Patient prognosis is poor. Conclusion:- Timely A member of the health team began urgent treatment and administered all available treatments, but the patient's condition remains unsatisfactory.

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