Case Report on Carcinoma Gallbladder with Severe Abdominal Pain.
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Gallbladder cancer is a relatively uncommon cancer. India is a high incidence area for gall bladder cancer (GBC) and contributes to about 10% of the global Gall Bladder Cancer burden. Within India, the incidence is high in North. North-East, Central and Eastern India, and less common in South and West India. The incidence has been on a steady rise in both genders. The presentation is often with advanced disease and carries dismal prognosis. GBC in Gallstones are present in 80% of the Indian patients with Gall Bladder Cancer. If it is diagnosed early enough, it can be cured by removing the gallbladder, part of the liver and associated lymph nodes Most often it is found after symptoms such as abdominal pain jaundice and vomiting occur, and it has spread to other organs such as the liver.
Main symptoms and Clinical findings: 40 year old man addmitted in AVBR. Hospital with complaint of pain in right side of abdomen and severe back pain last 10 days. The patient have been gone through the fine needle aspiration cytology in that we find out smear show of adenocarcinoma and finally diagnosed as gallbladder cancer.
Therapeutic intervention and outcome – Symptomatic treatment given and planned for surgical intervention. i.e. cholecystectomy.
Conclusions: 40yr old man admitted in A.V.A.R. Hospital with complaint of stain in right side of abdomen and sever back pain fast 10 days After all investigation patient is diagnosed as a case of ca gall bladder Now she is going to under chemotherapy 2 cycle and cycle is completed. Now patient prognosis is better than previous and next chemotherapy in planned.
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