Effect Of The Type Of Added Weight And Tire Inflation Pressure On Some Field Performance Indicators For The Tractors At Two Different Types Of Soil Texture

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Ahmed Tawfeeq Basheer AL-Qassab and Mothana Abed Al-malik Noori Al-jarrah


The research included a study of the effect of the type of added weight and tire inflation pressure on (vibration, noise, fuel
consumption, and percentage of slip), for two different locations (silty loam, clay). The experiment was based on the
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) according to split-split plot design and Duncan's new multiple range test was
used to compare the averages at the probability level of (0.05). The results showed that the first location (silty loam) was
significantly excelled by recording the lowest value of (vibration and fuel consumption), while the second location (clay)
recorded the lowest significant value of the percentage of slip. The tire inflation pressure (80 kPa) was significantly
excelled by achieving it the lowest value for (vibration, noise, fuel consumption, and percentage of slip). While the water
addition treatment recorded the lowest significant value for (vibration, noise, fuel consumption, and percentage of slip).

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