Research On The Technological And Genetic Potential Of Durum Wheat In Algeria (Triticum Durum Desf)

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Oudjani Wided & Bennadja Salima


The present research was concerned with the evaluation of the genetic potential of 20 durum wheat varieties in Algeria by certain biochemical and technological aspects. The aim of this study is therefore to identify and select wheat varieties which are potentially productive in agriculture and which are also characterised by good adaptation, yield stability and production of cereals of good technological and nutritional quality. The different varieties studied indicate the presence of a great variability due to the agro-climatic conditions of the environment; Nevertheless not all genotypes react in the same way some of them are particularly advantaged or on the contrary disadvantaged by certain cultural conditions. The results obtained show the presence of inter-genotype variability for all parameters of technological quality. The protein content at 11% humidity varies from 18.4% in TP/GD/SW which is however a cross, up to 20.1% in the two local varieties Bidi 17 and Hedba 03, Although the germplasm used is quite diversified, between local varieties, improved and introduced, significant variability in protein levels has been recorded within the genotypes studied. In fact, protein content is a low heritability trait and strongly influenced by environmental conditions and cropping practices.Our data for local varieties showed excellent results that have emerged for protein content with little mitadinage in grains, high grain weight and appreciable yields (Exemple : Gemghoum R'ekham and Hedba 3) The introduced varieties show very appreciable results for yield, specific weight With very low speckle and mitadinage levels and average protein levels.( Example: Montepellier variety and Capetit variety 8). Good yields and high grain weights characterising the Simeto, Vitron and Cirta varieties as well as the Daki variety which is well expressed and shows a good yield . we also know that the best qualities are found in local varieties.

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