Awareness about use of Ayurveda medications as an adjuvant therapy during COVID-19 pandemic in urban population – An observational study protocol
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Background: COVID-19 is classified as a janapadodhwamsa vikara in Ayurveda (epidemic disease). In Chapter 3 of Charaka Samhita: Vimana Sthana, the concept of an epidemic is discussed. “… even though there is dissimilarity in the physical constitution of human beings, still there are such factors which are common to all individuals and vitiation of these factors leads to the simultaneous manifestation of diseases having the same set of symptoms leading to the destruction of countries. Factors which are common for all the inhabitants of a country are air, water, location and seasons.” 3/6] Vimana Sthana Janapadodhwamsa is a condition in which the environment - air, water, land, and seasons - has been tainted, resulting in the simultaneous occurrence of a sickness among huge populations (epidemic) and the destruction of human habitations. The three medications used to treat COVID-19 are all traditional medications. According to the texts, each of them acts in the following ways: Sudarsana Churna: Treats all three doshas and all forms of fevers, including Agantuja jwara, Sannipata jwara, and others., Talisadi Churna: heals Jwara, svasa, kasa, aruchi (loss of taste); Vaataanulomana (aiding the normal flow of vayu), Dhanvantara Gutika: remedies Svasa, Kasa; Vaataanulomana (aiding the normal flow of vayu), Dhanvantara Gutika: cures Svasa, Kasa; Vaataanulomana (stimulates digestion).Aim & Objectives – Study the awareness about use of Ayurved medications as an adjuvant therapy in COVID-19 pandemic in urban population. Material & Methods: Subjects will be collected from common population who have been tested positive for COVID-19. Observations & result - The assessment will be done by validated Post-test questionnaire & Interpret. Conclusion: The conclusion about the efficacy of the module will be drawn on the basis of findings. It will be standard structured & informative module to draw the efficacy of using ayurvedic medicine in treatment of Covid-19., including those in developing countries.
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