"Examining The Right To Education Act Of 2009: A Comprehensive Analysis”

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Dr. Hina M. Patel
Dr. Sangita Acharya


Every newborn enters the world devoid of the faculties inherent in fully developed human beings, particularly the power of reasoning that distinguishes humans from animals. This research paper delves into the multifaceted process of developing a child's faculties, emphasizing the right to education for every Indian child aged 6-14. The Right to Education Act of 2009 mandates free education, focusing on improving rural infrastructure, allocating funds, and promoting awareness through initiatives like midday meals and scholarships. Education, viewed as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes, plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals for personal and professional success. The study aims to explore the curriculum development under the Right to Education Act, emphasizing fundamental rights, environmental education integration, and consequences, difficulties and implementing challenges too.

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Author Biographies

Dr. Hina M. Patel

Principal, Maniben M.P Shah Mahila Arts College, Kadi, Gujarat

Dr. Sangita Acharya

Associate Professor, Maniben M.P Shah Mahila Arts College, Kadi, Gujarat