Investigating the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Workplace Stress Management, with a Focus on the ITES Sector

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Mr. K. K. Bajaj


IT-enabled services (ITES) are the outsourcing services that use information technology in the processing and delivery of the service.. ITES related professionals are at a constant pressure to deliver services efficiently and have to be cost effective. Employees working in ITES industry are prone to develop a lot of health problems due to continuous physical and mental stress of their work.

A good knowledge of one’s own and others emotions and ability to manage them can also help a person to cope up with job stress in a work environment. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are more capable of understanding and managing their emotions, which allows them to adjust to their surroundings and become more tolerant to challenging conditions, including stress. Because stress is a perceived concept, emotional intelligence plays a role in the mental process of determining the source of the stress.

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Author Biography

Mr. K. K. Bajaj

RNB Global University-Bikaner