Experience in Use of Social Media for Nursing Education

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Vaishali D. Tendolkar, Shaini Suraj, Chetan Saoji, Nandkishor Bankar, Ujwalla Gawande


We are in the tech age and use social media in everyday life for variety of tasks. Communication methods have remarkably changed with launch of social media and it is changing every day with new software connecting people and bringing the world in a room. It wasn’t a surprise when this mode of communication entered the education field. The current COVID 19 conditions are a big trigger in bringing out the maximum possible for effective communication through social media. The show must go on in education just like in other fields of life even with the disaster of CORONA-19. The students must be reached out and given their due education because education is a fundamental right of every individual. Social media proved to be a boon for education field right from primary to higher education and from general education to professional education. Nursing education couldn’t be exception to this change. Although there was resistance initially, the nursing education via social media has got good momentum by now. The forgoing article details the experiences of nursing tutors as they use social media in nursing education.

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