The Constitution And Compensatory Jurisprudence

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Apoorwa Pandey


The roots of justice can be traced back to the components of social harmony, the collaboration between liberty and inherent dignity. The revival of the doctrine of natural rights in the context of human rights across the country is a significant development in the field of jurisprudence in the modern period. Compensation for victims is an accepted concept of law being implemented by ordinary civil courts. Under the law of torts, victims can seek compensation for the injuries to the individual or property they have experienced. It takes years and years for the victims to seek an order for damages or compensation in the civil courts, which is causing them too much suffering. The advent of countervailing jurisprudence in the light of human rights theory is a hopeful sign that the judiciary has undertaken the mission of preserving the right to life and personal liberty of all individuals, irrespective of the absence of any express constitutional provisions.

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Author Biography

Apoorwa Pandey

Student, Ll.M. Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur