Tsukuru and His Colours – Colouring the Identty in Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

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Aroma Delight Samson
D. Nalina Palin


 The novel mainly throws light on the ttular character, Tsukuru Tazaki, who thinks that he has no
colours, i.e., nothing remarkable about himself. He was a part of a group of high school friends and always feared that they would cut him off because he does not have anything special about himself to contribute to the group. Afer he moves to college, they cut him off without any explanatons and that makes Tsukuru very depressed. He is affected by this incident, even afer years, and so, his girlfriend Sara, makes him revisit the past so he could make peace and live in the present. When he revisits his old friends years later, he realises how oblivious he has been regarding his identty, the people around him, and that there are indeed colours to him. They throw light on how vital he had been to the group and also tell him why he had to be cut off. Tsukuru is gradually able to fnd the colourless in himself. This paper analyses the identty crisis of Tsukuru and he is able to resolve them to the beter.

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Author Biographies

Aroma Delight Samson

Research scholar (Reg. no.: 20221274012014), Department of English, St John’s College, Palayamkottai, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627002, Tamil Nadu, India.

D. Nalina Palin

Associate Professor of English, Department of English, St John’s College, Palayamkottai, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627002, Tamil Nadu, India.