A study of knowledge and awareness among postmenopausal women regarding osteoporosis.

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Dr. Ankush Mohabey , Dr. Prajakta Warjukar, Dr. Suvarn Gupta,


There have been few studies conducted on the knowledge, attitude and practice among the osteoporotic patients in few Arab countries and abroad but very few studies have been conducted in India especially central India on the same topic hence with our research we aim to indentify the knowledge gap among the post menopausal women in central India.

Materials and methods: Thiswas a cross-

sectionalobservationalstudywhichwascarriedoutonthepostmenopausalwomen, 50 yearsorolderbetweenJanuary 2020 and December 2020 in a tertiary hospital in Central India. A total of 792 womenfinallytookpart in thestudyoutofthe 1000 approached. Thesewomencameto OPD forvariouscomplaints and after takingtheirvalidconsent, thestudywascarriedoutby a pre formedquestionnairewhichtestedtheknowledge and awarenessofthewomenabout osteoporosis.

Results: Nearly 87% women were fearful of falling and having a fracture. 75% women said that osteoporosis was a disease while 44% agreed that it’s a serious disease. 30% said that it could happen to women only. About 60% women agreed that most important time to build bone strength early on. Nearly 80% women said that If they have osteoporosis, they can have a fracture. 80% women said that diet rich in calcium protects from osteoporosis. 80% said that less vitamin D means more risk of osteoporosis and 85% patients had an idea that viatmin D can be obtained by exposure to sunlight.


The knowledge, perception and awareness is still lacking in the post menopausal women and health policies have to be implemented in this direction.

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