Effect Of Smoking On Young Adult Smokers & Non-Smokers From A Rural Area Of Central India

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Shubhada Gade , Anagha Sahasrabuddhe, Manju Chandankhede, Ragini Patil


Cigarette smoking is associated with cancer, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. WHO has projected COPD i.e. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease as the third leading cause of death by the year 2030. Amongst them smoking is found to be a major risk factor in its  causation . The study is designed to understand the effects of smoking on lung functions and to compare the effects with age and sex matched non smokers. Material & Methods: Sample size was 100 smokers and non-smokers. Values of Pulmonary Functions (Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume1, Ratio of Forced Expiratory Volume1 and Forced Vital Capacity, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate  and Forced Expiratory Flow 25%-75%) were obtained  by a spirometer (RMS Medspirror Helio lung function test, Recorders and Medicare system (P) Model 401) . Results: A significant decrease in all pulmonary functions was observed (p value less than 0.05) in smokers when the same were compared to pulmonary functions of non smokers. FEV1 was the most significantly affected lung function suggesting obstructive disorder.

Obstructive respiratory impairment was the most common observation in the selected population of smokers & non smokers. Conclusion: Current study demonstrate smoking as the possible cause of obstructive impairment in pulmonary functions in smokers

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