On The Concept Of Social And Political Competence Of Students Of Pedagogical Specialties

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Malkov Alexander Alexandrovich, Us Oksana Alexandrovna


The modern period of social development of civic education is distinguished by a low level of political competence.
First of all, we are talking about the crisis of the political participation of citizens. This criterion forms the basis of the proposed
concept of the formation of political competence, within the framework of which a special role is assigned to future secondary
school teachers in working with students on the formation of political literacy and civic education. In the conditions of a
multicultural Russian society, this problem becomes especially acute.
The aim of the study is to substantiate the concept of the formation of political competence among students of
pedagogical specialties. The use of theoretical analysis of the literature and comparative analysis made it possible to note the
insufficient development of the problem under study. The research results are important for civic education and the formation
of political literacy among the younger generation.

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