Study on Women Empowerment through Kudumbashree with reference to Kottayam District, Kerala

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Robins Jose, Dr.N.Prathiba, Dr.L.Ranjit


Empowerment of women is continually emphasized globally over a period of time. Various initiatives through schemes, programmes, policies, etc has been taken by government to empower women especially in rural areas. There are numerous literatures found related to women empowerment through research studies conducted by researchers in the field of women welfare. The need for a holistic approach towards studying women empowerment including all the domains including social, economic, cultural, psychological, legal and political have emphasized the need for this study. The study is conducted among a sample of 437 members who are affiliated to Kudumbashree mission. The results reveal that Kudumbashree is able to empower the women in all domains of empowerment.

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