Analysis of Microorganism in Radiotherapy Patient Masks before and after Cleaning with Disinfectant Liquid

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Dartini, Fatimah, Jeffri Ardiyanto, Surati, Elia Aditya, Luthfi Rusyadi, Siti Masrochah, Nanang Sulaksono


Background: Radiotherapy masks patient are a fixation tool in radiotherapy radiation services. The function of the radiotherapy mask is to fix the irradiation area so that it is always fixed every time you perform radiotherapy so that the radiation is carried out accurately. The radiotherapy mask after printing will be used by the patient until the radiation is complete. Usually in a period of approximately 1 month. Masks are used with the inner surface always in contact with the patient's skin, so far the masks have never been cleaned so that it is possible to develop fungi or microorganisms that will cause infection in the skin. The research objective was to determine the difference in the number of microorganisms before and after cleaning using a 70% alcohol disinfectant


Methods: The research method used was experimental, namely measuring microorganisms pre and post cleaned using 70% alcohol disinfectant in radiotherapy masks with the Swap method. The number of samples was 16 masks for radiotherapy patients. Furthermore, the results of the research will be processed using the Wilcoxon test to determine the differences in the content of microorganisms before and after cleaning and the percentage reduction will also be made in each of the results of the content of microorganisms using alcohol disinfectants. Result: The results showed that the number of microorganisms in the masks of radiotherapy patients showed that the mean total plate count (ALT), mold / yeast and staphylococcus before cleaning were 9,450, 9,528, 0.490, while after cleaning the ALT value was 2.089, 8228,0,194. The amount of percentage reduction in the number of microorganisms in radiotherapy patient masks before and after cleaning alcohol was the highest microorganism at ALT 63.792%, staphylococcus 43.275% and the smallest decrease in mold / yeast 38.529%. Based on the Wilcoxon test on ALT and Staphylococcus, p 0.0001 and 0.0003 <0.05 Ha were obtained. Ho was rejected, meaning that there was a difference in the ALT and staphylococcus values ​​on the radiotherapy patient's mask before and after cleaning using 70% alcohol.

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