Description Of The Risk Factors Of Children's Growth And Development

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Tri Sunarsih, Djauhari Ismail, Endah Puji Astuti, Elvika Fit Ari Shanti, Ekawati


The growth and development of children is very important, as this would form the foundation for the quality of future generations in the nation. The slightest developmental disorders in infancy, if not detected and not handled properly will lead to a bad impact. Various genetic and environmental factors influence Toddler growth and development. Purpose: To distinguish the description of the risk factors related to child growth and development. Method: This research uses quantitative method. The design of the research is based on a cross-sectional approach in the analysis survey design. In the study, all toddlers under 59 month old were collected using a total of 366 samples in 2020 at the Ngalang Village, Gedangsari public health center and Gunungkidul Regency.  Data analysis used univariate analysis of frequency distribution. Results: The highest number of average pregnancy records in this study was normal, from 366 LiLA women during pregnancy with normal categories namely 285 people (77.9%), height during pregnancy with normal categories namely 340 people (92.7%). ), HB during pregnancy with a normal category of 350 people (95.6%), the age during pregnancy with a normal category of 293 people (80.1%), the number of ANC> 4 times namely 310 people (84.7%), gestational age with the category of aterm as many as 301 people (82.2%), but the records of pregnancy related to weight gain was mostly in the under category with a total of 245 people (66.9%) .Compromising diseases of pregnancy, the average mother did not suffer from comorbidities. Namely 351 (95,9%) out of 366 people did not suffer from asthma, did not suffer from heart disease namely 365 people (99.2%), did not suffer from hypertension namely 355 people (97.0%), did not suffer from preeclampsia / eclampsia namely 362 people (98.9%), did not suffer from maternal malaria infection, helminthiasis / worm infection, did not suffer from HIV / AIDS namely 366 people (366%), did not suffer from hepatitis B namely 365 people (99.7%), did not suffer from syphilis namely 364 people people (99.5%), did not suffer from tuberculosis (TB) namely 365 people (99.7%), and did not suffer from diabetes mellitus namely 364 people (99.5%). Laboral records of 366 respondents, most of the birth weight was in the normal category, namely 331 children (90.4%), the length of the birth body was in the normal category, namely 261 children (71.3%), the gender of the child was mostly boys, namely 203 children (55.5%), normal laboral by 302 people (82.5%), the average range between labor and previous labor was 125 children (34.2%) and second children and so on with a distance of 4-10 years as many as 137 children (37.4%), the condition of the children after birth most of them cried immediately as many as 341 children (93.2%), early initiation of breastfeeding namely 342 children (93.4%) and none infection factor in the child 339 children (92.6%). Child health care, of the 366 respondents who were given exclusive breastfeeding namely 296 children (80.9%), second children namely 174 (47.5%) and the first children 125 (34.2%), the type of infection that children often suffer is upper respiratory tract infection (cough, cold) 361 children (98.6%), most of the respondents have health insurance namely 290 people (79.2%). Environmental factors, out of 366 respondents, namely 332 of the latrines respondents used to defecate used a septic tank (90.7%). Source of clean water using wells 268 families (73.2%). According to 356 respondents (97.3%) the source of drinking water was clear, clean and odorless, 318 families (86.9%) waste management through burning, most of household of had sewage channels 286 families (78.1%) There are 309 families (84.4%) of sewage channels with water sources more than 10 meters (84.4%), most of father were smoke namely 208 people (56.8%). The children's eating habits, of the 366 respondents, easy to eat were 226 children (61.7%), but the children's food did not cover the 4 stars of 311 children (85.0%). Conclusions and suggestions: The average pregnancy records was normal, but not for weight gain. Comorbite pregnancy case in this study on average did not experience comorbidities. The laboral records was normal, more children were born male, the most labor range was between 4-10 years, almost all children cried immediately after delivered and had an IMD, and almost all did not experience an infectious factor. Health care is mostly exclusive breastfeeding, and the respondents are mostly second children, upper respiratory tract infection (coughs, colds) is the most common type of infection suffered by children, most respondents have health insurance. Environmental factors are mostly good sanitation, but most of the fathers also still smoke. Children's eating habits, more children are not picky about food than choosing particular food, but children's food does not covers 4 stars. The suggestion for the next researcher is to follow directly from the pregnancy process, so that the data obtained is real from the researcher.

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