Heading Towards Autonomous And Dynamic Press Freedom In Indonesia

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Nana Sutikna, Nuryanti, S. Bekti Istiyanto


Rather than being absolute, human freedom is relative because human situation and condition limits it. Also relative is press freedom. History of press in Indonesia recorded that press freedom is experienced once more by Indonesian people after the 1998 reform. At implementation level, there are numerous debates on the definition of freedom. This research attempts to analyze autonomous and dynamics press freedom in Indonesia as observed from Erich Fromm’s perspective. This research is a qualitative research on philosophical problem analyzed by means of historical-factual approach. Research result indicates that autonomous and dynamic press can be achieved through two actions. First, opposing the parties who prevent press from becoming themselves. Second, developing the “culture” of rationality, i.e. accustoming the press to develop their common sense to reach each of their realistic point.


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