Effect Of Immersion Of 6.5% Cocoa Peel (Theobroma Cacao L.) Effervescent Granule On The Hardness And Surface Roughness Of Heat-Polymerized Acrylic Resin Plate

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Mohammad Dharma Utama , Amanah Pertiwisari , Edy Machmud , Fuad Husain Akbar , Sari Aldilawati , Jayadi Abadi , Mubaroq Muhani


Introduction: Surface roughness is an important factor that directly affects the retention of bacterial plaque and stain. Daily use of denture cleanser can affect acrylic resin properties such as discoloration, surface roughness, hardness, and transverse strength; therefore, it requires alternative materials as denture cleaning materials. One of the alternative materials can be used as denture cleaners is 6.5% cocoa peel effervescent granules.
Objectives: To determine the difference between immersions of acrylic resin denture plate in effervescent granules of 6.5% cocoa peel and distilled water on surface roughness.
Materials and methods: This is true experimental study, the samples were 32 acrylic resin plates that had been soaked in distilled water and 6.5% cocoa peel extract effervescent granules, then the surface roughness was calculated using a confocal laser scanning microscope.
Results: Based on the results of Mann-Whitney U, the p value is 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05.
Conclusion: There is a difference between immersion in 6.5% cocoa peel effervescent granules and distilled water on surface roughness of acrylic resin denture plate.

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